Protocol to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries relating to Continued Functioning of the Commission

Filename: 1976-Protocol-1949-NorthwestAtlanticFisheries.EN.txt
Source: Great Britain Parliament. Papers, 1977, Cmnd. 6844.

Protocol To The International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Relating to Continued Functioning of the Commission

Source: Great Britain Parliament. Papers, 1977, Cmnd. 6844.

The Governments parties to the International Convention for the. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington under date of February 8, 1949, which Convention, as amended, is hereinafter referred to as the Convention, desiring to provide for the continued functioning of the Commission pending further consideration of future multilateral cooperation with regard to the fishery resources of the Northwest Atlantic, agree as follows:


Paragraph 1 of Article I of the Convention is amended to read as follows:

"1. The area to which this Convention applies, hereinafter referred to as the `Convention Area', shall be all waters, except territorial waters and other waters within national fishery limits, bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast, of Rhode Is-land in 71°40' west longitude; thence due south to 39°00' north latitude; thence due. east to 42°00' west longitude; thence clue. north to 59°00' north latitude; thence due west to 44°00' west longitude; thence due north to the coast. of Greenland; thence along the west coast of Greenland, to 78°10' north latitude; thence southward to a point in 75°00' north latitude and 73°30' west. longitude; thence along a rhumb line to a point in 69°00' north latitude and 59°00' west longitude: thence due south to 61°00' north latitude; thence due west to 64°30' west longitude; thence due south to the coast. of Labrador; thence in a southerly direction along the coast of Labrador to the southern terminus of its boundary with Quebec; thence in a westerly direction along the coast of Quebec, and in an easterly and southerly direction along the coasts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Cape Breton Is-land to Cabot Strait; thence along the coasts of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island to the point of beginning."


Article VI of the Convention is -amended by adding a new paragraph 4 as follows:

"4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article T, the Commission may provide to coastal states parties to the Convention, at, their request, advice on the scientific basis for management of fisheries within national fishery limits."


1. This Protocol shall take effect for all Contracting Governments one hundred and twenty days following the date on the notification by the Government of the United States of America, the Depositary Government, of receipt of written notification of approval by three-fourths of all Contracting Governments unless any other Contracting Government notifies the Depositary Government that it objects to the Protocol, within ninety days of, the date on the notification by the Depositary Government of such receipt, in which case the Protocol shall not take effect for any Contracting Government.

2. Any Contracting Government which has objected to this Protocol may at any time withdraw that objection. If all objections are with-drawn, this Protocol shall take effect for all Contracting Governments one hundred and twenty days following the date on the notification by the Depositary Government of receipt of the last. withdrawal.

3. Any Government becoming a party to the Convention a after December 8, 1976,-shall be deemed to have approved this Protocol.


1. The Depositary Government shall promptly notify all Contracting Governments of the, receipt of notifications of approval of the present Protocol, the receipt of notifications of objection or withdrawal of objections, and the entry into force of this Protocol.

2. The original of. this Protocol shall be deposited with the Depositary Government, which Government shall communicate certified copies thereof to all the Governments signatory or adhering to the Convention.

Dated at Washington this twentieth day of December, 1976, in the English language.