Agreement Between The United Kingdom, Norway And The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics On The Regulation Of The Fishing Of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) Cod

Filename: 1974-North-EastArcticCod.EN.txt
Source: RS-VII:3414

Agreement Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland, The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway And The Government Of The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics On The Regulation Of The Fishing Of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) Cod


The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

Desirous of regulating the fishing of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) cod (Gadus morhua) with the object of protecting stocks;

Have agreed as follows:

Article I.

For the purposes of this Agreement:

(a) "North-East Arctic Area" means Statistics Areas I and II of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, that is the sea areas lying between longitude 11°W and 68°30'E, to the north of a line running from a position longitude 11°W and latitude 63°N in an easterly direction along the parallel of latitude 63°N to longitude 4°W, then south to latitude 62°N, thence east to the coast of Norway;

(b) "Competent Authorities" means:

for the United Kingdom, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food;

for Norway, the Ministry of Fisheries;

for the USSR, the Ministry of Fisheries for the USSR.

Article II.

(1) The Contracting Parties undertake to take appropriate measures to regulate fishing by persons and vessels under their jurisdiction in the North-East Arctic Area so that the total catch of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) cod taken in that area in 1974 shall not exceed the following limits:

United Kingdom 77,650 metric tons

Norway 242,850 metric tons

USSR 179,500 metric tons

(2) There shall be added to the quota for Norway permitted in accordance with paragraph (1) of this article, 40,000 metric tons which represents the estimated average annual catch of coastal cod, which for the purposes of this Agreement is deemed to be a separate stock.

Article III.

(1) If the total catch of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) cod taken by countries other than the Contracting Parties exceeds 50,000 metric tons, the Contracting Parties shall, as soon as possible, review the operation of this Agreement. Any Contracting Party may, after such review, withdraw from this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other Parties.

(2) The Competent Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall request the Competent Authorities of other countries fishing in the area to supply them with regular and up-to-date statistics of their catches of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) cod through the medium of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission.

Article IV.

The Competent Authorities of each Contracting Party shall each month send to the Competent Authorities of the other Contracting Parties a report on their total catch of North-East Arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) cod for the previous month. These reports shall be reviewed jointly at any time at the request of a Contracting Party.

Article V.

(1) If a Contracting Party exhausts its quota before the end of 1974, it may nevertheless permit its nationals and vessels to continue to fish provided that it limits such permission to fishing using gill nets, long lines and hand lines and that it first gives notice in writing of its intention to the other Contracting Parties.

(2) On receipt of such notice either of the other Contracting Parties may withdraw from the Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other Parties.

Article VI.

Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights, present or future claims or legal views of the Contracting Parties in regard to the nature and extent of fisheries jurisdiction or the principles of future catch limitation schemes.

Article VII.

This Agreement shall enter into force on the day on which it is signed by all three Contracting Parties. This Agreement shall remain in force until 31 December 1974.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE in triplicate at London this 15th day of March 1974, in the English, Norwegian and Russian languages, each text being equally authoritative.

For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: [Signed - Signé] Signed by David Ennals-Signé par David Ennals. For the Government of the Kingdom of Norway: [Signed - Signé] Signed by G. H. Gundersen-Signé par G.H. Gundersen. For the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: [Signed - Signé] Signed by A.S. Gaidukov-Signé par A.S. Gaïdoukov