Amendments To The Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish (Article 7, Paragraph 2)

Filename: 1958-Amendments-1946-MeshFishingNets.EN.txt
Source: UNTS vol. 354, p. 408.

Amendment Of Paragraph 2 Of Article 7 Of Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish

Source: UNTS vol. 354, p. 408.

Registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 5 April 1960.

"Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph it shall not be deemed unlawful:

"(i) to attach to the underside of the cod-end of a trawl net any canvas, netting, or other material, for the purpose of preventing or reducing wear or tear;

and as from 1st January, 1959, and until 5th April, 1961, and only for trawl nets with a mesh of 110 mm. or more (or, in the case of trawl nets made of single twine and containing no manila or sisal in any part, with a mesh of 105 mm. or more):

"(ii) to attach a rectangular piece of netting to the upper side of the cod-end of a trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions:

"(a) this netting shall not have a mesh size less than that specified for the net itself;

"(b) the netting may be fastened to the cod-end only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting and at no other place in it, and shall be fastened in such a manner that it extends forward of the splitting strop no more than four meshes and ends not less than four meshes in front of the cod-line mesh; where a splitting strop is not used the netting shall not extend to more than one-third of the cod-end measured from not less than four meshes in front of the cod-line mesh;

"(c) the number of meshes in the width of the netting shall be at least one and a half times the number of meshes in the width of that part of the cod-end which is covered, both widths being taken at right angles to the long axis of the cod-end. "