Arrangement relating to Fisheries in Waters Surrounding the Faeroe Islands (with annexes), Copenhagen, 1973
Done at Copenhagen 18 December 1973
Entered into force 1 January 1974
Depositary: Denmark
Primary source citation: United Nations Treaty Series
The Parties to this Arrangement,
Realizing that the scientific evidence available calls for immediate measures for the purpose of conservation of fish stocks in the Faroe Area (ICES Statistical Division Vb),
Considering the exceptional dependence of the Faroese economy on fisheries, and
Recognizing that the Faroe Islands should enjoy preference in waters surrounding the Faroe Islands,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1. The fishing for the demersal species cod and haddock in the ICES Statistical Division V
b shall be limited annually as prescribed in the catch limitation scheme annexed hereto (annex I), which shall be an integral part of the present Arrangement.
Article 2. 1. Contracting Parties directing their fisheries in the area solely towards demersal species other than those covered by article I shall not conduct their demersal fisheries in a way significantly different from those of the years 1968 to 1972.
Their annual catches from trawl fisheries shall not exceed by more than 10% the highest figure they have respectively achieved in those years as recorded by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
2. The annual catches of Parties to whom paragraph 1 applies and whose fleets fish solely by line and gillnets in the area, shall not exceed by more than 25% the highest figure achieved over the years 1968 to 1972 as recorded by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
3. Contracting Parties which have not habitually exercised fishing in the area shall limit their annual catches of demersal species mentioned in paragraph 1 to a maximum of 2,000 tons each.
Article 3. 1. The sub-areas identified on the chart and accompanying description annexed hereto (annexes II and III) shall be closed for trawl fishing by vessels of all the Contracting Parties annually during the following months:
sub-area 1:
February 15 to May 15
sub-area 2:
June 1 to November 30
sub-area 3:
April 1 to June 30 and
October 1 to December 31
sub-area 4:
December 1 to March 31 and
May 1 to May 31

sub-area 5:
March 1 to March 31.
2. The maximum allowable size in terms of gross register tons of trawlers fishing within the sub-areas mentioned in paragraph 1 shall not exceed the size habitually used before the end of the year 1973.
Article 4. Notwithstanding the provisions in article 3 small Faroese vessels may continue trawl fishing in the sub-areas mentioned in article 3.1. for the following annual quantities of demersal stocks:
In sub-area 2:
1,250 tons
In sub-area 3:
1,250 tons
In sub-area 4:
500 tons.
These quotas form part of the total Faroese quota according to the catch limitation scheme annexed ­hereto.
Article 5. Nothing in the present Arrangement shall be deemed to prejudice the views of any Contracting Party as to the delimitation and limits in international law of territorial waters, adjacent zones or of jurisdiction in fishery matters.
Article 6. 1. The present Arrangement shall enter into force on January 1, 1974.
2. Any Contracting Party may request a review of the Arrangement.
3. Any Contracting Party may withdraw from the Arrangement by means of a notice in writing addressed to the depository Government who will notify the other Contracting Parties. Any such denunciation shall take effect six months after the date on which such notice is given.
4. This Arrangement shall be deposited with the Government of Denmark by which certified copies shall be transmitted to the Governments of all Contracting Parties.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Arrangement.
Done at Copenhagen on the 18th December, 1973.
498 The Marine Mammal Commission Compendium

For Begiens regering: Under forbehold af parlamentasgodkendelse

[For the Government of Belgium: Subject to approval by Parliament]   A. Lonnoy

For Danmarks regering: [For the Government of Denmark:]

    K.B. Anderson    Atli P. Dam

For Frankrigs regering: [For the Government of France:]  Pierre Pelen

For Norges regering: [For the Government of Norway:]   Arne Skaug

For Polens regering: [For the Government of Poland:]   R. Pietrauszka

For Det forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirlands regering: [For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:]   A.A. Stark

For Forbundsrepublikken Tysklands regering: [For the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany:]

    Werner Ahrens

ANNEX I  Catch limitation scheme for cod and haddock in ICES Statistical Division V, (Metric tons round fresh weight)

  Cod Haddock
Faroes 32,000
UK 18,000
Others  2000**
TOTAL 52,000*
*The Contracting Parties will use their best endeavours to ensure that the catches consituting the total quata do not exceed 30,000 tons for cod and 22,000 tons for haddock.
** The Contracting Parties not mentioned by name in the scheme will use their best endeavours to ensure that their catches including by-catches do not exceed this amount. 
Multilateral / Fisheries 

1 Texts in brackets were translated by the Secretariat—Les textes entre crochets ont été traduits par le Secrétariat.

Identification of sub-areas 1 to 5
Sub-area 1:
8 nautical miles from the limit of fishing zone between a line 0° true from Eidiskoll and a line 90° true from Bispur.
Sub-area 2:
18 nautical miles from the limit of the fishing zone between a line 90° true from Bispur and a line 90° true from Akrabergi.
Sub-area 3:
(a) 12 nautical miles from the limit of the fishing zone between a line 150° true from Akrabergi and a line 190° true from Akrabergi, and
(b) 6 nautical miles from the limit of the fishing zone between a line 190° true from Akrabergi and a line 240° true from Ørnanípuni.
Sub-area 4:
12 nautical miles from the limit of the fishing zone between a line 240° true from Trøllhøvda and a line 320° true from Barði.
Sub-area 5:
Faroe Bank (ICES Sub-Division V
b2) within the 200 m. isobath.

500 The Marine Mammal Commission Compendium