

Volume(s) 1-3; pages 1451-1452



Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, London, 1961


Done at London 23 June 1961

Entered into force 27 September 1961

Primary source citation: 13 UST 497, TIAS 5015


INTERNATIONAL WHALING COMMISSION EAST BLOCK, WHITEHALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W.1 Telephone: TRAFALGAR 7711 (Extension 383) Chairman: G. R. CLARK (Canada) Vice-Chairman: B. C. ENGHOLM (U.K.) Secretary: R. S. WIMPENNY. 28TH SEPTEMBER, 1961. Ref. AS XIII

Circular Communication to all Contracting Governments International Whaling Convention, 1946 Amendments of Schedule

The Secretary refers to his letter of 28th June, 1961 about the amendments to the Schedule to the International Whaling Convention, 1946 which the Commission made at the Thirteenth Meeting.

No objections to the amendments were received from Contracting Governments within the 90 day period which ended at midnight on 26th September, 1961. In accordance with Article V(3) of the Convention the amendments, which for convenience are repeated overleaf, became binding on all Contracting Governments as from 27th September, 1961. The Secretary requests an acknowledgment of receipt of this letter, a copy of which is being sent to all Commissioners.

The Schedule amendments made at the Thirteenth Meeting are as follows:-

Paragraph 6(1)

Add to the existing paragraph the sentence ‘Notwithstanding this close season the taking of 10 humpback whales per year is permitted in Greenland waters provided that whale catchers of less than 50 gross register tonnage are used for this purpose’.

Paragraph 7(a)

Delete ‘28th December’ and substitute ‘12th December’.

Paragraph 7(e)

Add to the existing paragraph the sentence ‘Notwithstanding this paragraph one continuous open season not to exceed eight months may be implemented so far as Greenland is concerned’.

Paragraph 9(a)

After the words ‘provided that’ in the eighth line insert a comma and the words ‘except in the North-east Pacific area for a period of three years starting 1st April, 1962,’

Paragraph 9(b)

Delete the words ‘provided in each case that’ in the seventh and eighth lines and insert the words ‘provided that, except in the North-east Pacific area for a period of three years starting 1st April, 1962, in each case’

Paragraph 12(b)

Add to the existing paragraph the sentence‘A Contracting Government may in less developed regions exceptionally permit treating of whales without use of land stations, provided that such whales are fully utilised in accordance with this paragraph’.