

Volume(s) 1-3; pages 1439-1440



Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, London, 1957


Done at London 28 June 1957

Entered into force 4 October 1957

Primary source citation: 8 UST 2203, TIAS 3944


INTERNATIONAL WHALING COMMISSION 3, WHITEHALL PLACE, LONDON, S. W. 1 Telephone: TRAFALGAR 7711 (Extension 383) Chairman: Dr. G. J. LIENESCH (Netherlands) Vice-Chairman: R. G. R. WALL (U.K.) Secretary: A. T. A. DOBSON (U.K.)

4 OCTOBER, 1957

THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES, State Department, Washington 25, D.C., U.S.A.

A. S. IX


Circular Letter to all Contracting Governments Ninth Meeting. Amendments to the Schedule

The Secretary to the Commission begs to refer to his circular of 1 July, 1957, headed as above, and to state, for the information of your Government, that no objections have been received to any of the four amendments to the Schedule to the International Whaling Convention 1946, as made at the Commission's ninth meeting and set out in detail in the circular under reference.

As the ninety day period provided for in the Convention expired at midnight (24 hours) on 3 October 1957, the amendments in question came into operation as from today, 4 October, 1957. For convenience sake, the amendments are set out on the reverse of this communication and will be incorporated in a revise of the Schedule as soon as it can be printed, in accordance with the Commission's standing instructions.

A copy of this letter is being sent to each Commissioner.

I am, Sir,

Your obedient Servant

A. T. A. DOBSON Secretary to the Commission.

List of Amendments to the Schedule made at the Ninth Meeting of the Commission 1957, which came into operation, in the absence of objections on 4 October 1957.

Schedule. Paragraph 5

For the words in square brackets substitute the following:-

‘This article, as a result of the seventh meeting in Moscow, was rendered inoperative for a period of three years from 8th November, 1955, and as a result of the ninth meeting in London was rendered inoperative for a further period from 8th November, 1958, after which it will automatically become operative again on 8th November, 1959.’

Schedule. Paragraph 8 (a)

Fourth line for ‘1956/57’ read ‘1957/58.’

Schedule. Paragraph 8 (c) Consequential

Last line but one for ‘1956/57’ read ‘1957/58’.

Schedule. Paragraph 11

At end add:-

‘provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a ship which has been used during the season solely for freezing or salting the meat and entrails of whales intended for human food or feeding animals.’